The Secret To Obtaining Everything I am going to let you in on a little secret. One that changed my life. PLEASE read this fully.

The Secret To Obtaining Everything I am going to let you in on a little secret. One that changed my life. PLEASE read this fully.

The Secret To Obtaining Everything I am going to let you in on a little secret. One that changed my life. PLEASE read this fully.

Want to know how I stay motivated and kept pushing even when everything seems to be against me?

Want to know how I tricked my mind and acquired all of my wants?

Here you go my friend…

Back when I was broke, I would go online, look up and gaze religiously at everything I have ever wanted.

I would inspire myself into tears.

Beautiful Mansions and Fancy High-rises.

I would imagine the smell and waking up in these places.

The respect people would show me. My life being completely different.

The pictures I would take here. The parties I would throw!

I would dream about it and be obsessed.

I had dreams of wearing Rolex’s almost every night.

I even stopped wearing watches or driving until I was wearing and driving what I wanted.

I would pretty much trick my mind into thinking that I was already in these places and that I was just taking a break.

An extended vacation you might say.

Even when I didn’t have 2 pennies to rub together, I told my mind I was successful and that a week from now everything would be better and that any call coming in could be my ticket to the top.

Everyday I told myself ”Gallant, this is the day you make it!”

When the calls never came in, I would tell myself I must have been too busy and missed the call.

Tomorrow will be the day.

Even after losing my first big business, I didn’t give up on the visions.

Ask anyone who knows me… I stare at the things I want for hours every single day.

I still look up mansions 3–5 times a day and in July I will be moving to one.

Not to rent, but to buy!

I have never been so close to acquiring one!

The big house I am living in now was my old vision. That I made a reality.

The watches, the cars, and even my dog all the way down to the shoes I wear at one time was on the back of my computer screen being stared at by a broke dreamer.

Every time shit got tough, I would think about all of these amazing things that I had wanted and how it easily outweighed all the negative things in my life and that I needed to get back to focusing!

I never let go of my dreams!

Slowly, the ramen noodles turned into filets.

The Target shirts turned into Nieman Marcus attire.

They used to laugh when I would pull up my car.

Now, people run to take pictures and point.

Some days, life feels like a familiar dream because I saw myself here years ago.

I used to imagine riding through The Domain in the nastiest car in sight and having everyone break their neck when they’d hear the engine roar!

When people asked me how it feels to acquire these things, my response is “about damn time!”

I wasn’t working this hard for anything less.

I am obsessed about constantly leveling up.

You truly haven’t seen anything out of my corner.

I feel like I have barely scratched the surface.

The information I am constantly swallowing up and the people I am surrounded with make it easy to level up.

Level up your knowledge. Keep improving. Keep understanding.

Every level of your life will require a different version of you.

If you haven’t leveled up in a while, it’s because you aren’t ready.

Don’t be scared of change.

You control the direction of your life and everything is possible.

Tonight or tomorrow, spend a good hour staring at the things you want. When you feel like giving up, just imagine that hour of visuals and keep going. You might catch yourself staring at the things you want 3 times a day like therapy, but that’s completely fine!

I still do it!